What do you enjoy doing in your free time?
In my free time, I enjoy walking and training with my dog Oakley. My hobbies include exploring my local area through walking, cycling and supping. I am practicing yoga for years, it gives me clarity and helps me stay present. It also teaches me that every day is different, so I try to approach each practice with a fresh mindset. At the same time, yoga is showing me that comparison, whether to others or even to my past self is not helpful, as progress looks different for everyone.
What are some of your favorite hobbies?
I love to spend time reading on my e-book and every year I manage to read more and more novels, thrillers, psychological or historical fiction. Thanks to bullet journaling I rediscovered joy in drawing, organising and meticulous planning.
What’s something you wish more people thought about?
I wish we spent more time reflecting on how we can better learn from the past to focus on long-term solutions that enhance our collective well-being.
How did you get into web development?
My journey as a developer started in my teenage years when I designed and coded my first blog. I loved tweaking HTML and CSS, experimenting with layouts, and making the site my own. For a while, I also had a photoblog, which became an outlet for my creativity. That was when I realized this was something I both enjoyed and was naturally good at.
What did you study, and how did it shape your career?
I decided to study web development and in 2018 I got my degree in Computing in Multimedia and Web Engineering from IADT in Dublin. During the second year, I studied Mobile Media at the Stuttgart Media University in Germany as part of the Erasmus Exchange Program. My study was very multidisciplinary, combining the artsy nature of my college with the technical side of the course. Thus, within the field of web engineering, I am largely invested in front-end design and development.
What role does creativity play in your life?
Creativity is a constant thread in everything I do, whether it’s creating digital experiences, drafting ideas in my bullet journal, or experimenting with photography. I see creativity as more than just making things. It’s also about problem-solving, seeing patterns, and bringing a unique perspective to the table.
What’s a philosophy or mindset that guides you?
I try to approach life with curiosity, intuition and a sense of humour. I believe in embracing change, questioning assumptions, and making room for unexpected opportunities. More and more, I’m learning to trust the process rather than rush to the outcome.